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Bel Sol Tanning Studio logo with stylized sun design.

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

In recent studies Dr. John Cannell suggested that increased UV exposure from sun and sunbeds increase endorphin levels and may therefore help  with improving mood. It’s ideal to feel good all year round, not solely in the summer when it’s easy to spend hours in the sun. Sunbed tanning is an excellent alternative that gives you the opportunity to feel good and look good all year round.

A study in Germany, along with multiple other studies across the world found that increased time in the sun or sunbeds left people feeling “significantly more balanced, less nervous, more strengthened, and more satisfied with their appearance after sunbed use.” Another study resulted in fibromyalgia patients having lowered pain short-term as well as a boosted mood.  Increased blood levels of endorphins is the explanation behind the mood changes according to Vitamin D Council founder Dr. Cannell.